Your Guide to Language Arts 9/Palfreyman
What you need to do

Warning: All late or missing work from March 28 to May 6 is DUE Friday, May 13. No exceptions or excuses will be permitted.

Learning Log

1.Combine the following sentences:
  • Pigs are like cats and dogs.
  • Pigs have sweat glands only on lips.
  • Pigs have sweat glands on on foot pads.
  • Pigs roll in the mud to keep cool.
2. How do you know that you love---not just like---someone? Make a list of 6 sure signs of loving someone.

3. Picture yourself ten years from now.

4. Write a 5-7 sentence paragraph about who you will be in ten years and what your life will be like.

  • Read "A Summary of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet" (Folder #11).
  • Complete a plot map of Romeo and Juliet (Folder #12)--DUE THURSDAY, MAY 12.
  • Read the Romeo and Juliet balcony scene AND answer SIX questions (Folder #13)---DUE THURSDAY, MAY 12.

What you need to do

WARNING: All late/missing work from March 28 to April 6 must be turned in by Friday, May 13.

DUE: Shakespeare Bibliography

Learning Log
1. Combine the following sentences:
  • Any odor is created by bacteria.
  • Odor is associated with perspiration.
  • The bacteria are on the skin's surface.
  • Pigs do not have bodily sweat glands.
2. What makes a movie a good movie? Write a 5-7 sentence paragraph explaining your reasons.

3. In your opinion, what are some movies with horrible endings? Explain why you think they have horrible endings.

What you need to do

NOTICE: If you were absent for your group's sonnet presentation, come see me for the makeup assignment.

Check out a new book, read, or work on your reading journal.
What you need to do

Make up Section 3 on Friday---the counseling center will find you.
What you need to do

Be here on Friday to make up Section 2!
What you need to do

To make up the Section 1 of the CRT, be here on Friday!
What you need to do

  • Romeo and Juliet: Simile and Metaphor Review
  • "A Plague on Both Your Houses"

Learning Log
1.Combine the following sentences:
  • This is contrary to popular belief.
  • Most sweat is odorless.
  • Humans cannot "sweat like a pig."
2. Make a list of 5-6 things you should do when taking a test.

3. What are three reasons to do your best on the CRT test?

4. What can you expect tomorrow (and Tue. and Wed.)? Make a list of 3-5 things.

5. Where do we meet for class tomorrow (and Tue. and Wed.)?

6. What can you bring into the testing classroom?


Sonnet Presentation--IF your group presented, see FOLDER#10 for makeup assignment.

What you need to do

Complete the following assignments--they're DUE Monday, May 2!
  • Romeo and Juliet: Metaphor and Simile Review (Folder #8)
  • "A Plague on Both Your Houses" (Folder #9)
What you need to do

Learning Log: April 20, 26, 27


  • Poet of the Week: Christopher Marlowe (Folder #7)
  • Sonnets and Music--Talk to your table-mates
What you need to do

Learning Log
1. Combine the following sentences:
  • Perspiration flushes away urea.
  • It flushes away lactic acid.
  • It flushes toxic metals.
  • The metals include lead.
  • The metals include mercury.
2. Make a list of 3-8 things you know about Romeo and Juliet.

3. Do you believe that teenagers have a good sense of judgment? Meaning, generally speaking, are teenagers capable of making good decisions? Explain your answer with at least THREE sentences.

4. Are teenagers mature enough to get married? Explain your answer with at least THREE sentences.

Romeo and Juliet 101 (Folder #6)--Borrow a classmate's and copy his/her notes