Your Guide to Language Arts 9/Palfreyman
What you need to do

Complete the following assignments--they're DUE Monday, May 2!
  • Romeo and Juliet: Metaphor and Simile Review (Folder #8)
  • "A Plague on Both Your Houses" (Folder #9)
What you need to do

Learning Log: April 20, 26, 27


  • Poet of the Week: Christopher Marlowe (Folder #7)
  • Sonnets and Music--Talk to your table-mates
What you need to do

Learning Log
1. Combine the following sentences:
  • Perspiration flushes away urea.
  • It flushes away lactic acid.
  • It flushes toxic metals.
  • The metals include lead.
  • The metals include mercury.
2. Make a list of 3-8 things you know about Romeo and Juliet.

3. Do you believe that teenagers have a good sense of judgment? Meaning, generally speaking, are teenagers capable of making good decisions? Explain your answer with at least THREE sentences.

4. Are teenagers mature enough to get married? Explain your answer with at least THREE sentences.

Romeo and Juliet 101 (Folder #6)--Borrow a classmate's and copy his/her notes

What you need to do

Learning Log
1. Combine the following sentences:
  • Human skin is a complex organ.
  • It is sometimes called the third kidney.
  • It helps us remove wastes through sweating.
2. What are some of your experiences with Shakespeare? Write one SOLID, ninth-grade worthy paragraph.

3. Who do you think Shakespeare is--a man from Stratford, a group of men, or someone else like Mary Sidney Herbert? Explain your answer.

  • Speaker(s) in Shakespeare's Sonnets (Folder #4)--DUE Wednesday, April 27
  • Most Reliable Source: Shakespeare (Folder #5)--DUE Wednesday, April 27

What you need to do

Third Period
  • Make three columns in your learning log---put the date April 20 at the top.
  • Label Column 1 "What we know about Shakespeare"; Column 2 "Article 2/Theory #1"; and Column 3 "Article 3/Theory #2".
  • Ask a classmate if you can copy their notes for COLUMN 1.
  • Read three short articles on Shakespeare (in baskets on the back heater).
  • Take notes on Articles 2 and 3.
Fourth Period
Ask a classmate for some highlights on the Shakespeare movie.
What you need to do

Ask a classmate about the movie on Shakespeare that we finished watching.

See April 18 to find out what you need to do and what assignments you need to get.
What you need to do

Attempt to Write a Sonnet

IMPORTANT NOTE: Fourth period turned in their sonnets and then went to an assembly, so do not try to do today's quiz. We'll take the quiz tomorrow.

Parentheses, Commas, and Apostrophes--Come during Pride Time to makeup this quiz.


Shakespeare Bibliography (Folder #3)--DUE MONDAY, MAY9; If you have questions, ask a classmate and then come ask me.
What you need to do

Come to see me for a makeup assignment.
What you need to do

Learning Log April 11 and 14 (today)

Learning Log
1. What do the things below represent? Make a list of 3-5 things for each one.
  • the color red
  • the American Flag
  • $100
2. What does the American flag represent to an Iraqi? Make a list of 3-5 things.

3. What does a $100 represent to a billionaire? Make a list of 3-5 things.

4. Copy:
  • Symbolism is the use of an object, person, or even to represent something beyond itself.
  • Symbolism people to communicate beyond the limits of language.
  • Humans use symbolism all the time.
Work with your group on your nature myth play.
What you need to do

Simile, Metaphor, Personification, and Hyperbole--Come during Pride Time to make this up!

  • Introduction to the Sonnet (Folder #20)--Copy notes from a classmate
  • Attempt to Write a Sonnet (Folder #1)--DUE MONDAY, April 18
  • Apostrophe Review (Folder #2)--DUE MONDAY, April 18