Your Guide to Language Arts 9/Palfreyman
What you need to do
Note: Because second period was at an assembly, today's assignment will be done when we return from winter break.

Come during Pride Time to take the Commonly Confused Words quiz.

  • Read.
  • Then fill out a "Make-up Reading" form (you can get one from a folder at the back of the file cabinet).
  • Finally, turn it in.
What you need to do

Type, type, type! Your My Access essays are DUE Thursday, January 6! And they're worth 100 points!
What you need to do

Learning Log
1. Combine the following sentences:
  • Maybe his effort really mattered.
  • Maybe his attitude really mattered.
  • His job could be more than a meal ticket.

2. Write down the mnemonic device below:
  • thAn=compAre
  • thEn=nExt

3. Write THREE sentences for each word: THAN and THEN.

4. Write TEN words that describe second quarter.

Poet of the Week
Naomi Shihab Nye (Folder #11)

Borrow a classmate's Commonly Confused Word Review to correct your own; the CCW quiz is on Wednesday, December 22.

What you need to do
  • Complete a "Makeup Reading" form (see "Makeup Reading" folder at the back of the file cabinet), OR
  • Get a brown grammar book, and complete 1-15 on page 653.

What you need to do

Learning Log
1. Combine the following sentences:
  • Tony liked the extra money.
  • The recognition pleased him even more.
  • The recognition acknowledged his efforts.

2. Write EIGHT complex sentences (dependent clause + independent clause OR independent clause + dependent clause).

3. Write FIVE lines on any topic you want.

QUIZ: Primary and Secondary Sources---Come during Pride Time to make up this quiz.

Quiz Review: Commonly Confused Words (Folder #10)---DUE Wednesday, December 22.
What you need to do

Wednesday Word
  • Check out the Wednesday Word list on the board for this week's word: counterfeit.
  • Get a "Wednesday Word" handout from the back of the file cabinet; it's in the Wednesday Word folder.

  • Finish "Primary and Secondary Sources Review." 
  • Complete "Most Reliable Sources" (Folder #9).

What you need to do

Write essays using My Access!

All essays are DUE January 6---and they are worth 100 points (or about 25% of your grade), so get writing so you won't spend the summer writing essays in summer school!
What you need to do

1. Get the handout "Searching for information on the Internet" (Folder #10).

2. Borrow a classmate's handout and copy the notes.

3. Test out your new Internet knowledge.

4. Review the notes, and be ready to be tested on the knowledge on the end-of-quarter test.
What you need to do

You need to make up reading time---it is worth 15 points. To make up this assignment, you can---

1. Read for 30 minutes during Pride Time or read for 35-35 minutes at home. After you read, you need to fill out a "Makeup Reading" handout (See "Reading Time Makeup" folder at the back of the file cabinet).

2. Complete the assignment "Commonly Confused Words Review" (Folder #9).
What you need to do

  • Evaluating Websites
  • Learning Log: December 6 and 9

Learning Log
1. Combine the following sentences:
  • Then she handed him a paycheck.
  • The paycheck contained a bonus.
  • The bonus was small but worthwhile.
2. Write down these formulas:
  • independent clause + independent clause = compound sentence
  • independent clause + dependent clause = complex sentence
3. Write FIVE dependent clauses (get a helper handout from Folder #8).Examples:
  • because she had the sword
  • though he understood the consequences
  • who ate only bananas
4. Write THREE COMPLEX sentences using 3/5 dependent clauses.

Primary and Secondary Sources Review (Folder #7)--DUE WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15