Your Guide to Language Arts 9/Palfreyman
What you need to do

Learning Log: Sept. 27, 28, and 30 (today)

Learning Log
1. Combine the sentences below:
  • Max squeezed his eyes shut.
  • Max wished he'd never accepted the dare.

2. Draw six boxes on your paper.
3. Write what goes in each box/paragraph when you're writing an essay. (If you need help, ask a classmate.)

Body Paragraphs (Folder #9)
What you need to do

Quiz Review: Leads

Wednesday Word
  • Check the Wednesday Word list for today's word: portage. (NOTE: You do not need to list synonyms for this word.)
  • If you need a Wednesday Word handout, check the Wednesday Word fold in the back of our file cabinet.
*Remember, you need to have "Quiz Review: Leads" completed to take the quiz.

Body Paragraphs (Folder #9)

What you need to do

Learning Log
1. Combine the following sentences:
  • Far below was the parking lot.
  • Car windows glinted in the sun.
2. Make a t-chart and brainstorm: Should students be able to use their cell phones at school? Yes or no?

3. Write a thesis statement for "Should students be able to use their cell phones at school?"

Quiz Review: Leads (Folder #8)--You need to have this completed to take the quiz!
What you need to do

Poet of the Week
Edna St. Vincent Millay (Folder #6)

Learning Log
1. Combine the following sentences:
  • His mind screamed one repeated thought.
  • "What am I doing here?"

2. Read (or review) "Introduction to Leads." (Folder #4)
3. Write two short leads about--
  • Your favorite class 
  • Your weekend
  • An animal
  • Your least favorite class
  • A dream OR
  • Other: __________

  • Read "How to Write a Lead." (Folder #7)
  • Then turn the paper over and write a lead for THREE of the five thesis statement.
  • *You need to have THREE leads written to get the "Quiz Review: Leads."

What you need to do

Complete "Quiz Review: Thesis Statements," and then turn it into me for "QUIZ: Thesis Statements."

  • "Introduction to Leads" (Folder #4)
  • Readings for "Introduction to Leads" (Folder #5)
What you need to do

1st and 2nd Periods

DUE: Quiz Review--Thesis Statements

Learning Log
Complete "Learning Log for Thursday, September 23: Sentence Combining" (Folder #3)--This needs to be TURNED IN to the L/M basket.

Thesis Statements: You need to make this up during Pride Time. Be sure to have your Quiz Review: Thesis Review completed.

  • Introduction to Leads (Folder #4)
  • Lead Readings: Books and Magazine (Folder #5)--Please RETURN this to the folder when you are finished. 

6th and 7th Periods

Learning Log
Complete "Learning Log for Thursday, September 23: Sentence Combining" (Folder #3)--This needs to be TURNED IN to the L/M basket.

Wednesday Word
Check out the Wednesday Word list on the marker board to today's word: recluse.
If you need a Wednesday Word paper, you can get one from the file cabinet; it's in a folder labeled Wednesday Word.

  • Good, Better, and Best Thesis Statements (Folder #1)
  • Quiz Review: Thesis Statements (Folder #2)

What you need to do

IMPORTANT: If you are in sixth or seventh period, we did NOT have class today. You do not need to make up today's work; we're doing it on Thursday.

DUE: Wednesday Word--You need to have all four Wednesday Word columns completed.

Wednesday Word
  • Check out the Wednesday Word list on the marker board to today's word: recluse.
  • If you need a Wednesday Word paper, you can get one from the file cabinet; it's in a folder labeled Wednesday Word.

  • Good, Better, and Best Thesis Statements (Folder #1)
  • Quiz Review: Thesis Statements (Folder #2)--This must be turned in to take QUIZ: Thesis Statements.

What you need to do

Learning Log

1. Combine the sentences below:
  • He stood atop the bungee tower.
  • He felt a jackhammer in his chest.

2. Write thesis statements for the following statements:
  • Persuade your friend to give you his/her pencil.
  • Sell a 25-year-old toilet to your neighbor who is remodeling a bathroom.
  • Convince Ms. Palfreyman's husband Jon to let her buy a mini-lop bunny.
  • Convince Jon that he should try skateboarding again even though he broke his fifth metatarsal (your pinkie bone in your foot) and it took six months to heal!

3. Make a t-chart, and one side list reasons why Pride Time should be FOUR days a week and the other side make reasons why Pride  Time should be TWO days a week.

4. Then write a thesis supporting Pride Time four days a week OR Pride Time two days a week.

  • How to Write a Thesis Statement in Four Easy Steps (Folder #20)

What you need to do

Learning Log
1. Combine the following sentences (you can a few words and punctuation marks):
  • The moment of truth arrived.
  • Max felt raw panic.

2. The schools in Herriman are closed because of a fire. How would you spend today if our school was closed? OR What belonging would you take if you had 20 minutes to gather them? Explain your choices. (This needs to be a 5-7 sentence paragraph.)

1. Poet of the Week: cummings (Folder #18)
2. Introduction to Thesis Statements (Folder #19)--Ask a classmate to borrow theirs to copy the notes.
What you need to do
Make sure you have something to read on Fridays. This might mean you need to go to the library. :)